Anvil Concert 2023

First Aid will primarily be provided by Anvil staff but our First Responder - First Aiders are recognisable by wearing a Green and White First Aid Logo'd ID badge neck hanger.

Stage Crew please wear black or dark blue clothing if possible. … no open toed shoes, no high heels.

If you have a BAYOC Friends top these are useful for identification but all volunteers will be provided a name badge and lanyard. Movement team and door team will be provided radios.

Please meet at the booking in Desk at the stage door.

Some of the people who will help coordinate your role are shown below.

for timings and dressing rooms see text below images and names below.

Helen - backstage team

Glenn - Volunteers backstage team

David - Volunteers / Chair

Paul - Safety Officer

Maggie - stage Door.

Susannah Stanley stage door / front of house

BAYOC at The Anvil - 21st May 2023

 Rehearsal schedule/sign-in and out times:

- Piano will be tuned in advance of BAYOC arrivals.

- 10:45am – Organisers and percussion to arrive.Health and Safety briefing to be given to the health and safety representative Paul Lock.

- 11:40am – BEASE & BAYSTO arrive.

- 12:00am – BEASE & BAYSTO rehearsals.

- 12:10pm – BAYGE arrive.

- 12:30pm – BAYGE rehearsals. BEASE & BAYSTOleave venue.

- 12:40pm – BAYC arrive.

- 13:00pm – BAYC rehearsals. BAYGE leave venue.

- 13:10pm – BAYWTO arrive.

- 13:30pm – BAYWTO rehearsals. BAYC leave venue.

- 13:55pm – BAYPE arrive.

- 14:15pm – BAYPE rehearsals. BAYWTO leave venue.

- 14:25pm – BAYSO arrive.

- 14:45pm – BAYSO rehearsals. BAYPE leave venue.

- 15:10pm – BAYWO arrive.

- 15:30pm – BAYWO rehearsals. BAYSO leave venue.

- 16:30pm – Rehearsals end. BAYWO leave venue.

- 16:30pm to 16:45pm – Compere soundcheck·        

- 16:45pm to 17:30pm – Opportunity for technical stage rest, or venue crew meal breaks.

- 17:30pm – Stage is cleared, and all performers arrive back at the venue. Front of house opens to ticket holders.

- 18:00pm – Auditorium doors open for ticket holders.

- 18:30pm – Performance commences – performance to be in two full halves with interval.

Concert timings

- 6.30 - BEASE and BAYSTO perform

- 6:45 - BAYGE perform

- 7:00 - BAYC perform

- 7:15 - BAYWTO perform

 - 7:35 - Interval

- 8:00 - BAYPE Perform

 - 8:15 - BAYSO Perform

 - 8:35 - BAYWO Perform

 Aiming for a 9pm finish.


The stage will be set for each half, so the ensembles for each half will remain on stage throughout the half to avoid lengthy walk ons/offs. All ensemble members will watch the concert from Audience seating when they are not performing.

Important additional information:

- Upon arrival, performers will watch ongoing rehearsals whilst awaiting their allocated

rehearsal slot – they will not use the dressing rooms during the day, only use the dressing

rooms when they return in the evening.

- For daytime rehearsals, performers will arrive and leave via stage door. However, when

performers return in the evening, the BEASE, BAYSTO groups and the BAYC group will

arrive via the front of house. BEASE, BAYSTO will then go to the Forge, and BAYC will go

to the Circle foyer. Each of these groups will have registers in their respective areas. BAYC

will do a short warm up in the Circle foyer.

- During the evening performance, those performing in the second half will sit in the Audience seating to watch the first half of the performance and those performing in the first half will

sit in the audience seating to watch the second half.

- All performers will return to the venue at 5:30pm. Those returning via front of house will

be issued with performer passes (Chris will send these out soon) which they will produce

to venue staff for identification and admission.

Backstage Rooms:

Dressing Room Allocation:

- DR 1 – Organisers.

- DR 4 and 5 – BAYWTO.

- DR 6 and 7 – BAYWO.

- DR 8 and 9 – BAYGE.

- DR 11 – BAYPE.

- Green Room – BAYSO.

- The Forge (raked – note maximum permitted capacity of 50 persons) – BEASE


- DR 2 and 3 are currently spare but may be allocated if required (note that use of

these rooms should be particularly well supervised).

Reuniting information:

- Reuniting for all performing groups, except BAYPE (percussion), will take place in the

foyers and/or auditorium. Parents will be instructed to remain seated whilst their child

goes to their reuniting area – this will be communicated in advance information, by the

programme and also by compere from the stage. Once the children have assembled in

their reuniting areas, the compere will instruct the parents to go to the reuniting area in

staggered intervals.

- BAYPE will reunite and leave via stage door. If any of the parents are entering the

building to assist with percussion and/or other get out arrangements, they must sign in

and out on the organisers backstage register.

- Any parent not attending the concert, who needs access to the foyer to collect their

child will require a Foyer Access Pass. These will be emailed out to parents.